Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pairing #5 - San Diego via New Zealand - Green Flash Green Bullet with Drive Like Jehu & Dead C

This one is not going to be too complicated.  This is a San Diego beer with New Zealand hops.  In anticipation of this combination, I pulled from the library music synonymous with both these locations.   Rocket from the Tombs & Drive like Jehu (who recently reformed for one show) hails from the San Diego area.  I was lucky to catch both of these bands led by David Reis with the high power guitar output.  Dead C is from New Zealand and they have a noise tag on them.  Their primitive aesthetic plays into an early Sonic Youth comp but there are stronger punk ties but from the New Zealand perspective.  Who knows what the punk scene would be like in New Zealand and how it was influenced by social impact and music.  This compilation called “Vain, Erudite, and Stupid: Selected Works 1987-2005” on Ba Da Bing! is a mystery to me and keeps me coming back. 

Green Flash has been a brewery that makes a lot of variation on the IPA in the “bomber” format or crack for hop heads.  Bomber format are a lot like box sets to me, but they don’t pack the value box sets give you but there is usually something rare in there.  The Green Bullet has New Zealand grown Pacific Gem and Green Bullet hops to create a big Triple IPA (10.1 % ABV ; 100 IBU). It has complex fruit flavors like mango and pineapple and an earthiness.  Very yummy!

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